Did you know people with curly hair can have more than one curl type, which is why some curls behave differently than others? Or that different types of curly hair have different kinds of frizz? It’s true! In wavy hair, frizz looks like fly a-ways. In curly hair, frizz expands your curls into a mushroom shape. In coily hair, frizz makes your curls look undefined. The first step in taking care of our curly hair is knowing what type(s)of curly hair we have, so read on to find your curl pattern!
How to Find Your Curl Pattern Chart
For starters, there are different types of curls—from 2A to 4C—and each has its own set of unique characteristics and traits.The higher the number, the curlier the hair and tighter the coil.
2A Hair Type
2A hair has the loosest shape pattern out of all three types of wave style. This wider and looser wave is overall the most manageable and requires a minimal amount of styling.
2B Hair Type
2B hair grows straight but starts forming medium to large S-shaped waves at the crown, resembling loose beach-like waves. These loose waves can sometimes have an issue with frizz, which can be aided with extra moisture.
2C Hair Type
2C curls can be described as a deep S wave. This is the type 2 hair most prone to frizz, as it receives the least moisture from the scalp’s natural oils, but leave-in conditioners and hair serums are an excellent choice to balance this out.
3A Hair Type
3A curls feature loose, big spiral curls that are large in diameter and begin to form from the crown. With large soft curls, 3A hair tends to be smoother, so it’s best to work with its natural shape and not overwhelm it with heavy styling products.
3B Hair Type
3B curls take on a tighter shaped spiral, about the size of your index finger or a standard sharpie. This hair type is usually very voluminous as the spirals create fullness by bouncing off one another. You may notice that your hair is elongated when wet, but as it dries it becomes somewhat shorter (shrinkage).
3C Hair Type
3C curls are the tightest and stiffest of all curl types, with its corkscrew spiral about the circumference of a pencil. This hair tends to be higher in density and more prone to dryness.
4A Hair Type
Type 4A hair has a dense, kinky, curly texture with lots of volume to spare. The size of each curl is about as wide as a crochet needle. The coil texture has more of an S pattern than other type 4’s, which is why it experiences much less shrinkage when going from wet to dry.
4B Hair Type
Type 4B is a tiny, zigzagged pattern, which is often accompanied by compressed,S-shape coils.It’s very fragile, highly porous, and prone to breakage, so it’s key to take care of it in the form of hydration and deep conditioning.
4C Hair Type
4C hair is tightly coiled, and its zigzag pattern can be hard to see without stretching it. 4C coils wrap around themselves with little to no drop to the curl.This hair type is the most prone to breakage, so constant moisturization is crucial.