Stressed when ‘wash day’ approaches for your little curly ones? Don’t let tangles and knots keep your child from truly falling in love with their natural curly hair. We’ve got 5 tricks to make your detangling routine smoother (and quicker, too!). From how to detangle knots in children's hair, to what key ingredients you should lookout for in a curly hair kids detangler. Read on to incorporate these handy tips into your kid’s curly hair regimen.
Wet Hair is Best
All curls absolutely love hydration. The more hydration, the better. When curly hair is wet the cell cuticle called the endocuticle is what actually swells and expands the hair to absorb your detangler product better. It also gives the hair more elasticity allowing the hair to stretch and become looser, making it easier to work with.
Choose the Right Tools for Curly Hair
Let’s start with the basics. When it comes to curls, the wider the comb and bristles, the better. Why? The way curls behave, they’re prone to snag or even knot. Switch out the paddle brushes and compact rattail combs for a smooth denman brush or wide-toothed comb instead. Plus, these wide brushes won’t do as much damage to those precious curls!
Work from Ends to Roots
The ends on our little ones' heads tend to be the most fragile and the most delicate. Like adults, it is the oldest part of their hair. When adding product and detangling, start from the ends and work your way up to your kid’s roots. This will allow you to catch snags sooner rather than later and puts less tension on your child’s scalp. Thus, a tear-free detangling experience!
Keep Sections Separate
Last, but certainly not least, once you're done detangling each section make sure to keep each complete section separate from the rest of the hair that is left to be detangled. This will ensure you know where you’ve stopped and will start again, as well as keep the moisture of your product sealed into the hair shaft.